School Admission Requirements
School Admission Requirements
Before being accepted in the Obion County School System, the student must furnish the following:
✓ Proof of date of birth
✓ Proof of proper immunization (in accordance with TCA)
✓ Physical examination proof
✓ School emergency information sheet
✓ Two (2) proofs of residence
✓ A social security number is preferred.
The student must be 5 years of age by August 15th of the current year to enroll in kindergarten. Students must be 4 years of age by August 15th of the current year to enroll in Pre-K.
No child shall be eligible to enter first grade after July 1, 1993, without having attended an approved kindergarten program. Students who have not received a diploma or other certificate of graduation must remain in school until they have reached the age of eighteen (18).
Local boards of education may admit pupils from outside their respective local school systems without the approval of the LEA which the pupil previously attended up to two (2) weeks before the beginning of the school year and during the school year the approval of both the sending and the receiving LEAs is required. TCA 49-6-3104(a)
Transfer of students from one Obion County School to another within the system (without a change in district residence) will also follow the guidelines mentioned in the above paragraph with regard to school transfers and will require approval of the principal(s).
The enrollment in, or transfer to, any Obion County School, either from within or outside the County, which would result in the student living with a person or persons not having legal custody of the student, must have the approval of the Obion County Board of Education. Temporary approval may be given by the principal, where the situation warrants, until such time as the School Board meets. Any student who is residing in a temporary living arrangement due to loss of housing or economic hardship may qualify for supplemental services outlined under the McKinney-Vento Act. If you feel your child may be entitled to these services, contact your local school or the Obion County Board Office.
It is mutually agreed between the directors of schools of the Union City and Obion County School Systems that once both school systems have been in session for five (5) simultaneously consecutive days, students will not be allowed to transfer between school systems unless:
- There has been a permanent change of residence which results in the legal residence of the student being located in another school district within the county, i.e., from inside the Union City city limits to the county or from outside the Union City city limits to within the Union City city limits; or
- Other extraneous circumstances for which both directors of the schools agree are in the best interest of the student.