TCAP Family Portal
Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP)
Family Portal Information
Welcome to the TCAP Family Portal information and help site. In the menu bar, you can view the help guide, parent brochure, or the frequently asked questions document for the portal.
You can click HERE to register for the family portal. You will need your child's state student ID, which is located at the top left corner of the printed home reports. The home reports will be given to students on Tuesday, August 31. If you do not receive a printed report, then you may call the school office to request the student ID.
The Family Portal is available for all students who particpated in the TCAP test during the spring of 2021. All 3rd-8th students and high school students who were enrolled in Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, English I, English II, Biology, and some sections of U.S. History will receive a student test report.